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NYC’s Top SEO Company. Excellent Service, Affordable!

SEO in New York City | A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Marketing

top-digital-marketing-agency-nyc-affordable-best-value-01If you have yet to get your business online, it’s time to get out of the Stone Age! Print media, commercials, and radio spots are no longer the way to generate new business. You need to be online. And, with SEO in New York City, you can get your business noticed in little to no time.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is pretty self-explanatory. It’s simply any form of marketing that you do online. However, there are a lot of ways you can market your business online. You can utilize content marketing, social media marketing, Google Ads, email marketing, search engine optimization, and more. For many businesses, it’s a mixture of all these different elements that lead to a successful digital marketing strategy.

What is SEO?

SEO is search engine optimization. It is the process of creating digital content in a format that conforms to search engine algorithms. The ultimate goal of SEO is to get your business’s website to the top of search engine rankings. This established your business as the trustworthy option among competitors and can help you generate more leads.

What is PPC?

best-value-ppc-google-adwords-small-nyc-agency-02PPC stands for pay-per-click. This is a form of online advertising. Rather than using SEO to help your business rank organically, you can place an ad. You bid for the placement you want (typically above organic listings) and you then pay the ad distributor any time someone clicks on your ad.

This is a very common form of Google advertising, and is more cost-effective than traditional methods of advertising. This is because you can watch your campaigns to see how they’re performing and adjust where you’d like to spend your ad money in real time.

What is Inbound Marketing?

When it comes to effective marketing, you need to understand your audience. Older generations probably remember outlandish ads on television and radio, urging customers to come forth with their dramatic promotions. That’s outbound marketing. In today’s digital realm, businesses need to earn their customers. So, they use inbound marketing. By providing value to an online user’s experience, they’re more likely to become a customer of yours.

What is Content Marketing?

best-content-marketing-agency-value-nyc-03Content marketing can play a huge role in your business’s digital marketing strategy. You create valuable, information, easy-to-read content with SEO in mind and cross-promote it across all of your social media pages. In turn, this high-quality content draws new, potential customers onto your website.

Are You in Need of SEO in New York City?

Don’t wait any longer to optimize your site! If you’re in need of SEO in New York City, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with the best SEO company around.